Friday 25 August 2017

Question of the Week

Of all the things that you are learning, what do you think will be the most useful when you grow up and why?

Maths - when you get older you can have a job. Blake
Speaking Maori - when I grow up it would be useful to be able to speak the language. Hannah
Spelling - when you are older you might want to be a teacher and you would be able to teach kids how to spell. Alannah
How to handle and be around animals - when people come to your house and they bring animals you will know what to do. Finn
Gymnastics - because most adults can't do rolly pollies, cartwheels and the pencil roll so it will keep me flexible. Bella
Reading - so I can learn more about stuff. Juan
Listening and doing what you are told - when you are older and get a job, if you don't listen you might get fired! Ashton
History - because you can learn stuff from the past and you might be on a TV show about history and it would help you win! Tristan
Writing - you might want to be an author when you grow up and you won't be able to write a good story if you don't learn to write. Stevie
Maths - I want to be smarter when I grow up. Maggie
Different Languages - that way I can go to different places and be able to talk to them. Max
Learning about animals - I want to be a vet when I'm older. Eleanor
Gymnastics - I wish one day to be the greatest gymnast in the world. Ella
Writing - one day I want to be the smartest in the world! Cameron
Art - so I can be the best artist in the world. Sophie
Maths - you might need to measure stuff. Cooper
Writing - when you are older you have to do some tests and write lots of things. Emily
Writing - you might want to be an author and you would need to be really good at writing so the reader can understand what you have written. Eddie
Writing - if you want to be an ambulance, police, fire officer you need the skills so that you can do the exams to become one. Caleb
How to approach a dog - if you go up to a dog badly it might bite you. Lachie
Gymnastics - so I can stay fit when I am older. Brody
Maths - when I grow up I can write heaps of co ordinates. Oliver
Art - I could sell art on the streets for the homeless and get money for them to buy stuff and for me to live. Ben
Typing - because I will have already learned to type and I will be able to type fast. Paige
Being kind - it will make other people feel happier and make the world a better place. Mrs Olynsma

Image result for when i grow up cartoon

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